Quantum Path to enlightenment

We have reached a new era of human evolution. Raise your vibrations to ease into this new era from the inside out; from the physical to the spiritual from the hidden to the manifest. A healthy life begins with healthy thoughts and a healthy body begins with clean and healthy cells. Clean and healthy cells results in radiant skin and a vital body and mind. Increase the level of vibration in your cells and the light will radiate out of your being.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our elixirs and Orgone

Combining Natures Blessings

I do empowerments with another healer, she is a friend, and Soul sister, Lilly. Lilly hand crafts, empowers esoterically and with shamanic practices very powerful orgone creations are 'borne' new conscious energy generators and broadcasters for all purposes that really work, Love, healing, manifesting protecting.

We have been experimenting with our creations together for several years and offcourse we have discovered and been given more guidance and power to increase the workings and strength of these tools in the creation process, they have evolved to be very sophisticated healing tools with fine tuned energy and elemental forces attached to the vibrations they create.

On the otherhand the elixirs are working with the spirit of the plant since they are ceremoniously summoned and asked to infuse their guidance and teachings in order to bring about a purposeful healing whose lessons have been understood and whole body healing has taken place, this is the way of the Teacher Plant spirits and trees flowers herbs, all spirits have a personality and love to work with other like centered spirit essentially in nature we seek out those who resonate and 'jive' with us. Plants are the same with other plants and minerals!

Quintessentially this is how everything works! The charged water [zamzam] Orgone creations with the elixirs and they seem to amplify each others effects manyfold! and the elixirs and Orgone together combined, put out a vibration that focuses energy in the specific direction they are intended for and synchronize with each other, offering a whole array of finetuned frequencies to the wearer and consumer.

They balance the areas in question such as the heart and the vibration is created within the body and brain with the elixir and then amplified like a broadcasting tower or antenna sending it [the vibration] out to the cosmos that then brings it back to us in physical manifestations, it is a balance of all the necessary components from the bio-chemicals we create in our brain to sending it out by our superconsciousness while aligning with the heart center, and eureka!

You can bring in anything you want because the orgone amplifies the elixirs vibrations and effects it has on the brain are enhanced due to the extra infusion of life force energy coming from all directions internally and externally, from the plant and mineral kingdoms.

This is because it creates an internal euphoria and this becomes a huge aura and energyfield that surrounds us all the time and it reaches out to the universe, it comes back amazingly fast as pure manifestation power, and you can direct this at anything you want to bring in your life, these are all things we should be able to do anyway, these tools and elixirs assist us in complete transformation and TOTAL BODY HEALING.

Visit Lilly's Gallery of Life Force Orgone Creations

PsychicSisters Blog: The Cosmic Shifting ~ Read MORE: here

More about Lilly...

Healing with Natures Blessings

Lilly is a Gifted, Psychic, Intuitive Healer and a treasured friend, she has created a space where all your healing needs can be met, Lilly's Orgone creations are as beautiful as powerful!

She puts together her creations based on your personal data that she receives when connecting to you, I have a healing cone that she made for me that I keep as a center piece in my living room, its like a little portal where love flows in...

If you are looking for a powerful energy piece that will keep you safe, healthy, connected, centered, happy, aware and aligned with cosmic forces around you, then visit her wonderful website and feel the power of these creations they have a consciousness of their own!
